GKA supported Prosper Learning Trust with their growth plan and application for a fifth school, Gilbert Ward Academy, in late 2019. In May 2020, the Department for Education approved the application for Prosper Learning Trust as the preferred academy trust to deliver a new Special Free School in Northumberland for children aged 11-16 with Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs and autism. Following approval of the feasibility and outline plans for the capital build project the Trust were able to move forward with the statutory consultation.
GKA provided advice and guidance on the contractual arrangements, overseeing the consultation process, setting up governance arrangements, supporting the development of an education brief, and overseeing the build project. The build project had a challenging timescale from the start and a temporary solution to house the school from September 2023 was required. The school opened in September 2023 in community centre provision and the new build was handed over to the Trust in January 2024. GKA were able to support Prosper Learning Trust through this complex process.

Dales Academies Trust, supported by GKA, successfully applied to sponsor a new Primary Free School in North Northallerton, which was proposed by North Yorkshire County Council to fulfil an anticipated shortfall in pupil places once new homes in the town were built. The new school will offer 210 primary places to children aged 4-11 years.
GKA were commissioned in 2021 to project manage the pre-opening phase and development of the new Primary Free School – Oakbridge Church of England Primary School. GKA guided Dales through the Free School process and contractual arrangements, liaising with the DfE and LA, setting up governance structures (including a ‘Friends Committee’ who will act as a fundraising body for the school), oversaw the development of the education brief, led procurement of ICT and FF&E contracts and managed the stakeholder consultation.
Working alongside the LA, GKA maintained oversight of the build project, ensuring everything was on track. The new building is due to be handed over at the end of June this year and the first intake of Reception children will join Oakbridge CofE Primary School in September 2024.

Following writing a successful application to sponsor the new school GKA supported Prosper Learning Trust in project managing the pre-opening phase/development of a new Special Free School – Harry Watts Academy, in Sunderland in 2019. The new school was commissioned by the local authority to provide specialist education for up to 96 autistic children aged 5-16, as a direct result of the increased demand for autism places within Sunderland and neighbouring authorities. The school would complement existing provision, responding to both pupil place planning pressure and parental demand.
GKA led the project management of the development of the new school, from liaising with the DfE and LA on contractual arrangements to managing the consultation process to the handover of keys to the new build. Work undertaken included setting up governance arrangements, development of an education brief, procurement of ICT and Fixtures Furniture & Equipment contracts, overseeing the marketing and communications and liaison with the Local Authority on the build project. The build was during Covid, which created additional challenges to the project in terms of delivery. The school opened on time at a temporary site in September 2020 and the new build was handed over in December 2020 and opened in January 2021. The school retained the temporary site and now operates across both and has 170 pupils and was judged Outstanding in its first inspection in 2023.

In 2021, GKA supported Ethos Academy Trust in submitting an application to sponsor a new special free school in Rotherham. In February 2022 the Department for Education approved the application from Ethos Academy Trust to be the preferred partner to deliver the new school for 125 pupils aged 7-16 years with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.
GKA project managed the new free school from consultation, TUPE and through to completion, liaising with Rotherham Council to facilitate the procurement of all the ICT, furniture and equipment, this involved working closely with Rotherham Council to ensure that the building was fit for purpose for an alternative provision academy with suitable safety features (CCTV, gates, anti-climb paint and devices etc). GKA also managed the recruitment of over 35 staff, screening candidates and completing safer recruitment and DBS checks through the summer to ensure that all staff were cleared to begin work when the school opened.
Element Academy successfully opened to pupils in September 2022.

GKA supported the establishment of Venn Academy Trust back in 2015. Originally a small Trust with 4 schools with limited central resource, they are now on track to secure an additional 6 schools by 2026, taking their overall number of schools to 20.
Initially, GKA supported Venn Academy Trust with a range of specialist support including working alongside the CEO and Board to develop a Trust Business Plan with a clear Growth strategy. GKA set up governance structures and policies and engaged with trade unions to ensure systems/processes were robust and fit for purpose. GKA then led successful funding applications, including school improvement and capacity grants, resulting in six figures of funding being obtained. In 2017, GKA also drove the recruitment of the Trust Director of School Improvement and the Senior HR Business Partner, two key roles to the continued growth of the organisation. Throughout the 9 years since formation to date GKA has also managed all Trust conversions.
GKA successfully led the writing of a successful free school application and the pre-opening phase for Euler Academy which opened in 2021.

In December 2020, Andrew Warren the RSC for the West Midlands approved the formation of the new Three Spires Trust. Formed by the Diocese of Lichfield and working alongside Gail Khan Associates the new Trust (Three Spires) opened its doors to schools in April 2021. Initially the Trust is proposed to comprise of four schools with three now already in the Trust, these includes; St Peter’s Collegiate Academy, The King’s Wolverhampton (joined 1 May 2021), St Thomas CofE Primary Academy, Kidsgrove and The King’s CofE Academy, Kidsgrove (both joined 1 April 2021).

In November 2017, GKA were asked to project manage the facilitation of the creation of a new Multi Academy Trust across Calderdale & Kirklees. The new trust called Together Learning Trust consists of 5 schools (primary and secondary) including 2 PFI schools. The new MAT opened on 1 April 2019 with the first 5 schools all in the MAT by the 1 September 2019. GKA were also instrumental in organising the recruitment of the new CEO and CFO of the Trust.

In April 2017, GKA were commissioned to deliver a new Church of England MAT in North Yorkshire. Consisting of 10 schools (1 secondary and 9 primary) the new MAT opened on time in November 2017. GKA were responsible for overall project management leading on consultation, HR, legal and project tasks. We are pleased to say the project was delivered on time and within budget.
Since forming the Trust, GKA have managed 4 further school conversions with the latest school Carnagill Primary joining Dales on 1 April 2020