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Every child in this country, whatever their background, deserves a world-class education. Special free schools make an important contribution to achieving this. The government’s commitment to investing £2.6 billion in high-needs provision over the Spending Review period will facilitate the establishment of up to 60 new special and alternative provision-free schools in England.

As part of this initiative, GKA is proud to actively support the writing of not one, not two, but eight free school bids across the country. We have been collaborating closely with our partner Multi-Academy Trusts, providing valuable guidance and support to the executive teams involved in the application process. Our aim is to ensure that each bid meets the highest standards, maximizing the likelihood of success.

The submission deadline for the free school bids is approaching rapidly, and GKA will continue to offer unwavering support throughout the next stage of the process. We are optimistic about the prospect of seeing these schools open in the near future, bringing exceptional educational opportunities to children across the country.

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