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From May 2011 to March 2015 Gail acted as the Head of Schools and Academies at BCET offering leadership expertise in the formation of their new Multi-Academy Trust. The role included leading the conversion of a new Academy and setting up a new Studio School.

Alongside this Gail was responsible for setting up the business systems and governance structure for a Multi-Academy Trust. She also led the successful recruitment of colleagues to lead in the areas of School Improvement, Finance and HR.

Andy Welsh, Trustee at BCET and Group Chief Executive, Bradford College

Gail was instrumental in the creation of Bradford College Education Trust and in developing our knowledge and understanding of Academies. As a new MAT sponsor she ensured that we were compliant from day one. Gail led the Trust day to day and almost became an extended member of the College leadership team, developing new systems and processes using a simple, clear and concise approach. Her focus and drive to achieve key milestones such as moving from a single to a Multi Academy Trust, opening a new sponsored Academy and new Studio School as well as sustaining improvement in our existing Academy, all within 12 months, was an achievement in itself.

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